It's safe to say BioWare took that criticism to heart because in the Legendary Edition of Mass Effect 3, Tali's face is now seemingly an original piece of art and not a However, this mindset makes little, as other Quarians already bore fairly humanoid appearances. And now in the Legendary Edition, though you still don't see Tali's face anywhere else, at least the photo has been changed to something that leaves a little more of her appearance to your imagination and looks very slightly more alien. But the Legendary Edition undoes one of Mass Effect 3 ’s greatest sins - at least for fans of the geeky, loyal Quarian. She was a member of the Quarian race, who were fairly humanoid in form and stature. There are a lot of small changes in the remastered Mass Effect Legendary Edition. While Tali … Though developer Bioware has made many alterations in the remaster of its original sci-fi trilogy, this recently discovered change addresses a long-standing complaint.

I’m curious to see if the controversial face unveiled in Mass Effect 3 will be edited and if a tiny, … Returnal Doesn't Feel AAA - And the Game Is Better for It, How One Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Skill Can Have Real-Life Applications, Deathloop Is a Surreal, 60s-Inspired Shooter With a Clear Hitman Influence, Street Fighter: Ken Will Never Be the Best - But That's a Good Thing. Mass Effect Legendary Edition changes a controversial cutscene from the third game, one which was seen as lazy upon the game's original release. Mass Effect Legendary Edition changes one of the longest-standing issues with the franchise: Tali's face. To capitalize on the first three games' continued popularity, BioWare and EA have released Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Mass Effect Legendary Edition gives the Quarian a new, lore friendly look.

Even the little changes can leave a big impression (pic: BioWare via Mass Effect Wiki). This compilation includes all three games of the original Mass Effect trilogy, remastering their graphics and adjusting gameplay and mechanical elements to better suit modern consoles. RELATED: Mass Effect: Why Captain David Anderson Is the Best Choice for Human Councilor. Even if Tali's true face was especially ugly, that would be less because of her alien heritage and simply a design choice.